Membership dues for Book Publishers Northwest are $50 for 2009. Please send the following information with payment to Book Publishers Northwest:
Business Name
Type of business: Publisher or Service for Publishers
Contact Name
Mailing address
Contact e-mail
Please indicate if this information can be published in the membership directory and include a one-paragraph description of the business.
Checks should be made out to Book Publishers Northwest. Mail payment to Book Publishers Northwest, PO Box 9535, Seattle WA 98109.
2008 memberships expire on 12/31/2008. 2009 memberships expire on 12/31/2009. Memberships cannot be pro-rated.
BPNW members receive discounts from national publishing organizations (IBPA and SPAN), regular e-newsletters, listing in the BPNW Online Directory and Kaboodle List, and other special offers as available.
More information about Book Publishers Northwest can be found at the news blog. Click here to return to BPNW News.